Terms and Regulations

Korea International Livestock Expo 2025 (KISTOCK 2025)

1. Teams of reference

A. In these terms and regulations for participation in KOREA INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPO 2025, “Exhibition” means ‘Korea International Livestock Expo 2025’.

B. “Organizer” refers to the ‘Korea International Livestock Expo 2025 Organizing Committee and the Korea Dairy & Beef Farmers Association’. And “Co-organizers” include Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), Korea Poultry Association, Korea Pork Producers Association, Hanwoo Association, Korea Duck Association and Korea Association for Livestock Housing & Environment Machinery.

C. “Applicant for participation in the exhibition” means an individual, corporation, institution, organization, association, agent, etc. who applied for participation and paid the participation fee in full to participate in the exhibition.

D. “Exhibitor” means ‘an applicant who has been confirmed to participate in the exhibition by the organizer’

2. Application for participation

A. All applications for participation must be made either online (via the website) or by completing the application form in writing, and submitted to the manager of organizers.

B. The contract shall be established when the applicant submits the duly signed application form and pays 50% of the space and/or booth (Basic Stand) costs to the organizer. However, “organizer” may defer or refuse the acceptance of an application if sufficient space is not available or if the announced exhibit is considered by the organizer not to be relevant to the exhibition.

3.Allocation of exhibit space

A. “Organizer” shall allocate the space according to the order of application, the size of the space applied for, the nature of the exhibits, or in a manner the organizer deems fit.

B. “Organizer” shall reserve the right to change the location and/or size of the space allocated to the exhibitor at any time prior to the commencement of the build-up of the exhibition, should exceptional circumstances arise, and the exhibitor shall not claim for compensation as a consequence.

4. Use of exhibit space

A. “Exhibitor” is bound to exhibit their announced products and to staff the exhibit stands with competent personnel during the whole period of the exhibition.

B. All exhibits must be in accordance with the description on the application form and be related to the theme of the exhibition. Direct sale without permission of the organizer is strictly prohibited. If “exhibitor” violates the aforementioned rules, “organizer” can stop the exhibitor’s activity, remove his/her exhibits or order the dismantling of his/her booth. In this case, the participation fee shall not be refunded and “exhibitor” will have no claim for compensation.

C. “Organizer” reserves the right to refuse admittance to the exhibition to any person.

D. Exhibitor is not allowed to sublet space allotted to them to other parties, either wholly or in part, without the written consent of the organizer.

E. Modifications, including decorations such as painting the floor, ceiling and pillars, will not be permitted, and consequent damage to the exhibition hall shall be compensated to the organizer by the exhibitor.

5. Terms of payment

A. 50% deposit of the participation fee and/or relevant stand charges must be paid at the time of application by the exhibitor. And the balance shall be paid not later than June 30, 2025

B. The participation fee should be paid in full by June 30, 2025. Otherwise, organizer has the right to cancel the contract, and in that case, the paid participation fee will not be refunded.

6. Breach of contract and withdrawal by exhibitor

A. In the event of abandonment or rejection of all allocated space, “organizer” has the right to cancel the exhibitor’s application. In this case, the participation fee already paid will not be refunded, unless abandonment or rejection of allocated space was a result of irresistible force.

B. In the event of partial abandonment or rejection of the allocated space, “exhibitor” shall forfeit the application fee already paid for the abandoned or rejected space. And if the participation fee has not been paid fully, exhibitor shall pay the remaining amount of the participation fee by the due date for all the space initially applied for.

7. Penalties regarding exhibit cancellation or size reduction

If “exhibitor” decides to withdraw from the exhibition or reduce the size of their exhibition after they have submitted their participation application and contract, “exhibitor” must pay the following penalties. If “exhibitor” has already paid the exhibition fee, it will act as the penalty fee. However, if the paid amount is less than the required penalty, “exhibitor” will be required to pay the remaining fees, and if the paid amount is more than the penalty fee, the difference will be refunded.

A. If cancellation or reduction before June 30, 2025, 30% of the participation fee (of the reduced booth) has to be paid as penalty

B. If cancellation or reduction between July 1, 2025 and July 31, 2025, 50% of the participation fee (of the reduced booth) has to be paid as penalty

C. If cancellation or reduction after August 1, 2025, 100% of the participation fee (of the reduced booth) has to be paid as penalty

8. Cancellation and changes of the exhibition

In the event of the cancellation of the exhibition by “organizer”, The participation fee paid will be refunded. In this case, “exhibitor” cannot demand any payment from organizer for damages. But if the cancellation was caused by irresistible force, the fee will not be refunded. The irresistible force means that which is not within the control of “organizer”, such as emergency situations related to public health, natural disasters, livestock diseases or epidemics, acts or regulations of the state or local autonomous entity. “Organizer” reserves the right to change the venue and duration of the exhibition, in the event of such exceptional circumstances. In the case, the fee paid will not be refunded and the "exhibitor" cannot claim for compensation because of the changes.

9. Installation and removal of the exhibitions

The installation and removal of the exhibits shall be completed within the period set by “organizer”, and “exhibitor” shall compensate the "organizer" or exhibition facility rental business for any loss caused by damage or delay to the exhibition hall or facilities and equipment provided by the "organizer".

10. Security, risk and insurance

A. “Organizer” take all reasonable security precautions in the interests of "exhibitors" and visitors.

B. “Exhibitor” must be held responsible for any loss or theft of, or damage to exhibits, stand fittings or any article belonging to “exhibitor” during the installation and dismantling periods.

C. In the event that the "exhibitor" intentionally or negligently causes a fire, theft, breakage or any other accidents inflicting damage to the organizers or others, the "exhibitor" must be responsible for damages. “Exhibitor” shall be responsible for insuring the goods exhibited

11. Fire regulations

A. Materials used in stands, display and construction must be properly fire-proofed in accordance with Korea’s fire safety regulations.

B. “Organizer” has the right to change the exhibitor's position depending on the circumstances in order to extinguish the fire.

12. Supplementary clauses

A. Whenever necessary, “organizer” shall have the right to issue supplementary regulations in addition to those in the terms and regulations for participation in KOREA INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPO 2025 to ensure smooth management of the exhibition.

B. Any additional written regulation instructions shall become a part of the terms and regulations for participation in the KOREA INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPO 2025 and they shall be binding on the "exhibitors".

C. “Exhibitor” shall also observe the regulations for management of the exhibition halls of EXCO(Daegu, South Korea)

13. Letters of guarantee/Acquisition of visa

In any circumstance, KISTOCK secretariat cannot issue the letter of guarantee/written reasons for invitation in the form specified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea. Also, if overseas applicants for the exhibition require a visa, please create and process the documents including the letter of guarantee/written reasons for invitation on your own responsibility. The management office shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred as a result of a failure to participate in the exhibition because the visa is not issued.

14. Arbitration of disputes

Any dispute, difference, or question which may arise at any time hereafter between “organizer” and “exhibitor” touching on the true construction of these terms and regulations for participation or the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board in Seoul, Korea. The ruling of the above arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.

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